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Object Types

Object types are usually the first thing you map in building out your schema. You will typically use entities in your system to construct objects.


namespace Application\Entity;

use ForestCityLabs\Framework\GraphQL\Attribute as GraphQL;

class Apple
private UuidInterface $uuid;

private string $type;

private ?string $name;

You can set custom properties like name, description, type, list, not_null and deprecation_reason on attributes, but reasonable defaults will be chosen if you do not do this.

The above entity would be represented as such in your schema:

type Apple {
uuid: ID!
type: String!
name: String


Let's take a moment to analyze the attributes we used to define our schema above.


The object type annotation tells our schema that this is a custom object type. You can define a custom name, if none is provided then it will use the class name ("Apple" in this case). You can also provide a description that will help users of the API understand your type.


The field attribute allows you to define fields on your custom type. Reasonable defaults will be selected for name, type, list and not_null if possible.